English Otome Games Wiki
The Garden of the Gods
Kamigami no Hakoniwa
Japanese 神々の箱庭
Released October 30, 2024
Platforms Digital IoS
Digital Android
Digital Steam

In the village of Hitotose, where the protagonist lives, the culture of dedicating a daughter to the local god once a year is deeply rooted. One year, the heroine is sent to the world of the gods as the “Chosen Maiden, She begins to live in the world of the gods while seeking the whereabouts of her older sister, who also became the “Chosen Maiden” 10 years earlier. Her encounter with the gods, her sister’s whereabouts, their respective pasts, and this world’s taboos…

What is the future that the protagonist will grasp in this world of various mysteries? [1]

  1. [1]hakoniwa.kumoha-hd.com