English Otome Games Wiki
My Last First Kiss
Japanese 大人の初恋、はじめます
Developer Voltage
Released Smart Devices
Japan March 5, 2015
WwSeptember 1 2015
Nintendo Switch
NA November 25, 2021
Platforms Digital iOS
Digital Android
Digital Kindle Fire
Digital Nintendo Switch

Even after all these years, you haven’t forgotten about your first love.

You try confessing your feelings to him, but he turns you down.

Luckily the friends you grew up with are there to help mend your broken heart…until that night, when you become more than just friends…[1]

Love Interests[]

  • Ayato Hidaka   
  • Ichiya Misono
  • Makoto Morimachi
  • Takamune Kitami
  • Riku Morimach
  1. [1]voltageapps.com