English Otome Games Wiki
C14 Dating
C14 Dating
Developer Winter Wolves
Publisher Ratalaika Games SL
Released Steam & PC
Ww April 27, 2016
Kindle Fire
Ww July 7, 2016
NA March 29, 2021
Platforms Digital Steam
Digital iOS
Digital PC
Digital Kindle Fire
Digital Android
Digital PlayStation 4/5
Digital Nintendo Switch

You play as Melissa Flores, a third year anthropology student, who is participating as an archaeological intern during summer.[1] The field school takes place in Belgium!

It's a bit outside of Melissa's comfort zone and the added fact that she'll be staying in an unfamiliar country for two months, but she can't pass up such a learning opportunity!

Romance Interests[]


Please See : C14 Dating/Gallery.
  1. [1]Steam